What are the advantages of laparoscopic surgery in the gastric sleeve?

• Short hospital stay.
• Less postoperative pain.
• Better cosmetic results.
• Return to work and regular activities faster.

What are the risks of gastric sleeve?

These are rare. Some patients may have temporary difficulty swallowing, and this is due to the narrow gastric tube; usually, it gets better between one and three months after surgery.

• Gastroesophageal reflux is a minor complication and is resolved with antacid medications. It is essential to know if you had gastroesophageal reflux or hiatal hernia before surgery.

• A staple line leak occurs in less than 2% and means that gastric contents have leaked through the staple line. These symptoms are usually from the Gastric Sleeve: increased heart rate, abdominal pain, and fever. It may occur 3 to 5 days after surgery. If you have any of these symptoms, do not hesitate to contact us.

• Bleeding occurs in less than 3%; the most common bleeding site is the stapling line, so its reinforcement is essential.

• Stenosis occurs in less than 1%; the cause is a cut close to the lesser curvature of the stomach. To avoid this complication, we use a calibration tube before cutting the stomach.

What can I expect after my surgery?

Gastric Sleeve surgery is a safe procedure with excellent results. It is expected that after surgery, you present pain, which gradually decreases and appears with movements such as getting up, coughing, laughing, etc. If you have constant pain that does not decrease with painkillers, do not hesitate to contact us. Surgical wounds can drain blood and serum, which is typical for the first five days. What you need to do is wash the wounds with soap and water and let them dry. Suppose you notice any changes in the characteristics of your injuries. In that case, the drainage becomes cloudy, thick, and odorous and changes in the skin (red, hot, lumpy, and painful to the touch). You probably have a wound infection, so feels free to contact us. If you have a fever, pain that worsens over time, diet intolerance, persistent vomiting, you should contact us to verify that you are not experiencing any complications.

How soon will I be back to work?

After Gastric Sleeve surgery, the patient regularly returns to normal activities after seven days.

When will I be able to exercise?

Relative rest is recommended for the first 20 days; this means that you can perform basic activities such as getting up, going to the bathroom, personal hygiene, and, very importantly, walking. It is necessary to walk; with this, there will be evacuations, secretions will not accumulate in the lungs, and clots will be prevented. From 20 days to 3 months after surgery, it is recommended to perform low-impact Gastric Sleeve activities, such as walking or swimming. After three months you can do everyday activities.

What are the expected results of weight loss after gastric sleeve?

• In the first two months, you can lose 15-20% of excess body weight.

• After six months of surgery, you can lose 50% of excess body weight.

• You can lose 60-70% of excess body weight per year.

Will I need any additional supplements?

We will give you a complete nutritional guide after your surgery. We recommend taking multivitamins, B12, B1, calcium, iron, and a high protein diet (75%) daily. It will prevent nutritional deficiencies, avoid malnutrition and loss of lean mass; it also increases the metabolic effect of the surgery.

Can I take my other pills and medications after surgery?

You should continue to take your other medications as prescribed. The first two weeks after surgery, you will have to crush them or consume them in liquid form.

Can I drink alcoholic beverages?

You may experience unexpected responses to alcohol and should also avoid it due to empty calories.

Surgery for obesity and related diseases is a safe procedure and an excellent result in weight loss and control of the related disease.
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