Covid Protocol

1. A Covid questionnaire is performed 15 days before surgery.
2. A negative Covid PCR test is requested five days before surgery to confirm that you are not an asymptomatic patient.
3. It is mandatory to wear a mask at all times during the visit to the hospital. It is recommended to attend your procedure alone or with only one companion. If you go with a companion, he or she must also present a negative Covid PCR test.
4. Upon arrival at our clinic, the patient must go through our Covid filter, which consists of taking the temperature, applying alcohol gel on the hands, and answering the Covid questionnaire.
5. Clinic staff and other patients must wear their masks at all times.
6. After surgery, a follow-up is done by phone or video call to detect signs of possible symptoms.
7. Continuous disinfection of common areas, as well as operating rooms and rooms between each surgery.

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